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Guidance Document for Identifying Training and Assessment Requirements for Animal Users

See policy UW-4111 , Training Requirements.

This document identifies and describes each training and assessment requirement, defines distinct animal user groups (e.g. students) and which requirements are relevant to each, deadlines to complete each requirement, and includes a training matrix. Consequences of failing to meet these requirements are described in UW-4111 , Training Requirements.

I. Mandatory Training and Assessments

Research Animal Resources and Compliance (RARC):

UW Animal User Orientation: An online training module describing the basic rules and regulations of using animals for research, teaching and outreach.

Animal User Recertification: An online refresher training module for active animal users (protocol and non-protocol) reminding users of regulatory requirements and consequences of violations, and highlighting resources for veterinary services, training services, protocol/IACUC questions, and compliance questions.

Species-specific Training: Training occurs via hands-on training and online courses.

Surgery Fundamentals: Online prerequisites and a hands-on wetlab for individuals who perform survival or non-survival surgeries more than five minutes in duration (see below for equivalent training for non-survival surgery of shorter duration).

Nonsurvival Surgery Fundamentals: Online training for individuals who perform non-survival surgery five minutes or less in duration, in lieu of Surgery Fundamentals.

Environment, Health and Safety (EH&S):

Occupational Health risk assessment via the Animal Contact Risk Questionnaire (ACRQ):

Animal Research Safety:

Occupational Health and Safety training for animal users: Basic environmental and occupational health, chemical and biological safety training appropriate to each user’s planned animal activities (e.g. biomedical vs. agricultural use vs. wildlife).

"Risk Communication in Animal Facilities”: An online training module emphasizing the importance of communicating the use of dangerous agents in the shared spaces.

Unit-Specific (School / College / Department / Facility):

Unit-specific Training: The employing School/College animal program may require additional unit-specific training, with or without opt-out options, as a condition of employment. Any such requirements must be described in each animal program or facility in SOPs or other onboarding documents. All user groups must complete unit-specific training as directed.

II. User Groups and Requirements

Group 1: Faculty, Staff, and IACUC Members

Any individual named as a Study Team Member on an approved animal care and use protocol for teaching, research, or outreach.

Principle Investigators who will not have animal contact

Research animal veterinarians, research animal pathologists, and veterinary staff working in an animal care facility

Animal care staff
(includes individuals who work or volunteer in animal facilities whose primary role is animal husbandry)

Animal Care and Use Committee members, including lay members & ex-officio

Veterinary Medicine Teaching Hospital (VMTH) staff (including VMTH employed facility and maintenance personnel)

Group 2: Students

Any individual named on an approved animal care and use protocol for teaching, research, or outreach.

Students working for an animal facility who have direct contact with animals and not individually named in a protocol.

Veterinary Medical Students.

Students enrolled in a timetable course that involves supervised interaction with animals.

Students participating in short-term (30 days or less) rotations in laboratories using animals.

Group 3: Visitors.

A visitor is defined as any individual who is not authorized to normally be in an animal use area.

Group 4: Service Personnel

These personnel are non-animal facility UW-Madison employees (e.g. physical plant personnel).

Author: H. McEntee, M. Peters, J. Welter, B. Schiffman
ePublication Date:
History: 4/2016; 7/2016; 11/2016; 12/2019; 10/2023

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