Expired Drugs
- Guidelines for Disposing Pharmaceuticals and Medical Materials
- Tips for Preventing Expired Drugs and Medical Materials
Related Policies
- UW-4109 , Expired Drugs and Medical Materials
- RARC Animal Program Assessment Specialists, apas@rarc.wisc.edu .
Noncontrolled substance disposal
The UW-Madison Environment, Health & Safety (EH&S) group will pick up expired non-DEA regulated pharmacy items. To use this service:
- Visit the Surplus Chemical Form on the EHS website .
- Enter all of the substances for disposal on the form.
- Complete the online Chemical
Waste/Surplus Pickup Request Form .
For help, contact EH&S at (608) 265-5000 or chemsafety@fpm.wisc.edu
Please Note: UW-Madison Chemical Safety officers are not authorized to pick up controlled substances.
Controlled substance disposal
Controlled substances must be disposed of in a manner that permanently and irreversibly alters the substance's
physical or chemical state, rendering the drug unavailable and unusable (nonretrievable). Flushing substances down a
drain or mixing with kitty litter or coffee grounds and disposing as solid waste, is not permitted. DEA Form 41 is
required for controlled substance disposal.
Visit the DEA Office of
Diversion Control website for regulatory information and resources.
For disposal instructions, contact RARC
animal program assessment specialists: apas@rarc.wisc.edu or contact DEA
directly at (608) 210-4334 or dea.registration.help@usdoj.gov .
Storing of substances awaiting disposal
Separate expired substances from in-date and in-use drugs by placing them in a small container or plastic bag. If you
have large stocks of expired or waste controlled substances, use a second lockbox to provide segregation.
label expired or waste materials with "Expired - Do Not Use in Live Animals."
Store controlled drugs awaiting disposal in the drug lockbox. You must include them in your inventory reports and count them towards your total inventory on hand while they remain in your possession.
Expired materials and terminal studies
Some expired medical materials may be used for terminal studies if they will not affect the health and well-being of the animal or jeopardize the scientific integrity of the experiment. These materials must be stored away from non-expired materials and labeled appropriately.
Expired anesthesia, analgesia, euthanasia, or emergency drugs may never be used in any vertebrate animal.
Donating Expired Materials
Some expired medical materials may be able to be donated and used for non-research purposes. WisCARES is one organization that may accept these materials. Thoroughly research an organization before donating to it by contacting it directly for specific details about it will accept. RARC will not accept items for donation.
Colored Dot Identification System
RARC veterinary staff developed a colored dot system to help investigators identify drugs and materials before they
How it works:
- Apply a colored dot sticker to any item with an expiration date. Each color corresponds with a different year and
the month of expiration is written in the center.
- Check all your drugs and supplies at the end of each month and remove any items that will expire at the beginning of the next month. We recommend that you document each monthly check.
- Use recurring automatic calendar alerts to remind staff to check drugs and supplies.
Some tips for successfully using the colored dot system:
- Place the sticker so that it covers as little of the original label as possible. Avoid obscuring the name, contents, uses, directions, warnings, storage instructions, expiration date, etc.
- Place stickers on clean and dry items and press firmly when you put them in place. If the sticker falls off, try placing a piece of scotch tape over it or use colored laboratory tape instead.
- Ask your RARC veterinary technician for a special pen for writing on dark labels.
- Put the sticker on the outside of a cabinet, drawer, or container if your materials are stored inside.
- If your materials are in a box containing multiple items, put the sticker on the outside of the box, then on the individual container as it's removed from the box.
- Note that when a label gives an expiration month, the item expires at the end of the month.
- If an item's expiration date is in the middle of a month, put a color code for the previous month on the item. At
the end of that month, assess your situation:
- If you think you will use the item before it expires, make a note to ensure the item is disposed of on or before the expiration date.
- If you don't think you will use the item before it expires, dispose of it.
Contact your veterinary staff to obtain colored stickers and key codes to post in your lab.