IACUC Approved Reference Materials*:
Anesthesia, analgesia, or sedation to referenced drugs and dosages for the species.
ACLAM e-Formulary App
RARC Anesthesia and Analgesia Formulary
Association of Primate Veterinarians Formulary
Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research: Biology and Management, ACLAM Series, Elsevier, 2012
Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research: Diseases, ACLAM Series, Elsevier, 2012
Laboratory Animal Medicine, ACLAM Series, Elsevier, 2002
The Laboratory Primate, The Handbook of Experimental Animals, Elsevier, 2005.
WNPRC SOP 1.07 - Chemical Restraint (Injectable Agents)
WNPRC SOP 3.02 - Inhalant Anesthesia Induction, Maintenance, and Recovery
WNPRC SOP 3.20 - Treatment Ordering and Administration
Harkness and Wagner’s Biology and Medicine of Rabbits and Rodents
Flecknell’s Laboratory Animal Anesthesia
Plumb’s Veterinary Drug Handbook
Hawk and Leary’s Formulary for Laboratory Animals
Fowler’s Zoo and Wildlife Medicine
Lumb and Jones Veterinary Anesthesia and Analgesia
Quesenberry and Carpenter’s Ferrets, Rabbits and Rodents Clinical Medicine and Surgery
Fish and Danneman Anesthesia and Analgesia of Laboratory Animals
Flecknell and Waterman-Pearson’s Pain Management in Animals
Fish et. al. Anesthesia and Analgesia in Laboratory Animals
American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine Series
Muir et. al. Handbook of Veterinary Anesthesia
Manual of Equine Emergencies - Orsini and Divers
Swine in the Laboratory - M. Michael Swindle
Goat Medicine - second edition by Mary C. Smith and David Sherman
Hagyard Pharmacy mobile formulary
*Latest edition unless otherwise noted.
Experimental substances including a change in test compound, dose, or route of administration.
Policy UW-4123 , Use of Nonpharmaceutical-Grade Compounds
RARC Blood Sampling Guidelines
Hawk and Leary’s Formulary for Laboratory Animals
American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine Series
Journal publications (peer reviewed)
Selected WNPRC SOPs
Diehl et al. A good practice guide to the administration of substances and removal of blood, including routes and volumes. J App Tox. 2001; 21:15-23.
Assoc. of Primate Veterinarians Guidelines for Fluid Regulation of Nonhuman Primates in Biomedical Research. J Am Assoc Lab Animal Sci 2022: 61: 397-402.
Fluid regulation guideline for nonhuman primates (NHP) living at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center
AVMA Guidelines for the Euthanasia of Animals
RARC Euthanasia by Species
Duration, frequency, type, or number of procedures performed on an animal
American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine Series
Animal User Requirement #7 : Fluid Regulation Policy for Macaques Living at WNPRC
Journal publications (peer reviewed)
Policy UW-4093, Tumor Burden in Rodents
Policy UW-4096, Genotyping of Mice and Rats
Policy UW-4102 , Animal Adoption
Policy UW-4105, Protocol Transfer and Reassignment
WNPRC SOP 1.11: Food Deprivation
WNPRC SOP 3.20: Treatment Ordering and Administration
WNPRC SOP 4.01: Blood Sampling
WNPRC SOP 4.02: Injection Techniques
Increase in animal numbers
Policy UW-4131, Justification of Numbers
Can VVC be used if an investigator realizes, months after protocol approval, that there is a need for a one-time tail vein blood withdrawal? The original protocol does not mention any blood withdrawal. The IACUC has an approved VVC policy and has an approved policy for tail vein collection that defines allowable volume per blood draw and frequency. The investigator’s request for approval of the one-time withdrawal meets all of the requirements of the approved policy.
No, the VVC process may not be used to add a new procedure to a previously approved protocol (per OLAW online office hour, 12/3/2015).
Can VVC be used if an investigator realizes that an additional cardiac procedure is needed (in this case, it includes anesthesia, venous cut-down, cardiac catheterization, closure and recovery) after the protocol has been approved?
The approved protocol specifies four procedures and the PI requests a 5th.
The IACUC has an approved policy that permits VVC. They also have an approved policy that permits up to six catheterizations.
Yes, the VVC process can be used to administratively handle this significant change for the following reasons (per OLAW online office hour, 12/3/2015):
- The IACUC has approved policies in place
- The request is a significant change to an already approved procedure
- The veterinarian confirms that the policies are being applied appropriately
After protocol approval, an investigator learns that a drug to be used in the project is no longer available as a pharmaceutical-grade substance. Can VVC be used to change from a pharmaceutical-grade substance to a non-pharmaceutical grade substance if consistent with Policy 2010-037.
Yes, the VVC process can be used to administratively handle this significant change for the following reasons:
- The IACUC has approved policies in place
- The request is a significant change from a compound already approved in the protocol to another formulation of the same compound
- The veterinarian confirms that the policies are being applied appropriately
After protocol approval, a PI realizes that he needs to genotype the animals at 14 days of age rather than 4 weeks as approved in the protocol. An RARC veterinarian recommends that he use tail tipping rather than an ear punch at that age. The requested change is consistent with Policy 2010-038: Genotyping of rats and mice. Can VVC be used?
Yes, the VVC process can be used to administratively handle this significant change for the following reasons:
- The IACUC has an approved policy in place
- The request is a significant change to an already approved procedure
- The veterinarian confirms that the policies are being applied appropriately
History: Approved by SVM ACUC 2016 02 09, CALS ACUC 2016 02 18, LSVC ACUC 2016 02 19, and SMPH ACUC 2016 03 07; Amended by SMPH ACUC, CALS ACUC, LSVC ACUC, SVM ACUC 1/2018 and 3/2018. Reapproved by all committees in in October 2023.