College of Letters and Science and Vice Chancellor for Research IACUC
- IACUC Overview
- Policies
- Research Compliance and Ethics Oversight
- College of Agricultural and Life Sciences IACUC
- School of Medicine and Public Health IACUC
- School of Veterinary Medicine IACUC
- IACUC Meeting Calendar
IACUC Office Staff:
The College of Letters and Science and Vice Chancellor for Research (LSVC) IACUC oversees a wide variety of biomedical, ecological, behavioral, and wildlife studies, including all non-human primate studies at the Wisconsin National Primate Research Center (WNPRC) and the Harlow Primate Laboratory.
The WNPRC offers comprehensive animal research support, from study development and protocol writing through pathology services. Access to animal facilities is strictly controlled, and special training requirements apply.
For nonprimate animal facility information, contact an RARC Veterinarian or send an email to .